Our relationship with failure

Students, just like everybody else, can often put themselves under pressure. This pressure can often be associated with a fear of failure. Whether it is making a mistake, getting an unsatisfactory score or some other action which we interpret as failure (and interpretation is important), if we don’t have a healthy relationship with failure, thenContinueContinue reading “Our relationship with failure”

Currency – intellectual and political

At my previous school I used to run trips to Parliament. I have a vivid memory of one workshop in which one of the presenters said ‘ideas are like currency around here’. Remembering that quote got me thinking about today’s post… Ideas are stimulating. They challenge us and make life interesting. Good ideas help usContinueContinue reading “Currency – intellectual and political”

Springfield stories

Having finished watching The Recruit, I needed something new to watch. Not wallpaper TV, but also nothing that needed too much concentration. Flicking through the various streaming services I’ve acquired, Disney Plus offered the answer with The Simpsons. Twenty-two minute bursts would be perfect. Also I hadn’t watched too many of the newer episodes. SettlingContinueContinue reading “Springfield stories”